Announcing the Launch of

Website LaunchIn the spring of 2013, Allies for Greyhounds, Inc. announced its new name. Over the past year, the group has been working to update logos and other materials with that name. Today I am thrilled to announce the next step in that transformation: the launch of our new website.

You can now find Allies for Greyhounds online at

This new site will make it easier for potential adopters to get their questions answered and find a greyhound to add to their home. Because it was built from the ground up on cutting edge, world-class technology, it will be significantly easier for our volunteers to update and maintain. It is also mobile friendly and can be easily viewed on phone and tablet devices.

This is just the first phase of what we plan to do with the new site. We have a lot of features and functions we want to add in the near future.

Check back over the coming weeks and months as we continue to expand our new site. Additionally, we now have a blog available that we will keep updated with the latest news from AFG, as well as an up-to-date list of upcoming events and fundraisers.

I’d like to thank a few folks who helped bring this site to life:

  • First, Nate Parrow, for all his hard work, frustration, and long hours keeping the existing site running well past its prime. That man deserves a medal!
  • Rachael Parrow, Amy Kliven, Kari Shook, and Debbie Day for reviewing the new site as it was in development and giving fabulous feedback. Additionally, these ladies have worked hard adding the hounds and other content to the new site. They will continue to keep hounds, events, and the rest of the site fresh and up-to-date.
  • The beta testers (you know who you are) for reviewing the new site over the past week to help find things we missed.
  • Janene Poortvliet. This name will be new to almost all of you. She’s a designer I work with and a greyhound aunt. (Her brother has a greyhound couch potato.) She was instrumental in coming up with the design for the new site and the graphic for the splash page. My development work was significantly easier because of her contributions.
  • And finally, Dave and Pat Conrad. They gave initial guidance, suggestions, and constructive feedback along the way, then stepped back and gave us the freedom to design and build this world-class site to expand the Allies for Greyhounds goal of Helping Hounds and Fulfilling Dreams.

Please visit our new site at and give us your feedback. Feel free to submit a comment on the Contact Us page. If you select “Website question,” that message will come straight to me.

I hope you like the new site. I’m looking forward to hearing your feedback and adding new, exciting features in the future.

Steve Day
Leilani, Brinkley and Rascal
Foster McSam