Spring Fling 2015 — Mark Your Calendars

Spring Fling 2015 — Mark Your Calendars

Spring Fling 2014SPRING FLING 2015

5-16-15 – SATURDAY – mark your calendars – we want you to be there.

11am –5pm

More to come as things progress.

We are again looking for donations for the silent/basket auctions.  Goods or monetary items are always welcome – they do not have to be greyhound related.  We know many people have other breeds, cats etc.  Kids items also welcome since we have many children within the group.

We are again doing the Spring Fling tee shirt design contest.  Get them in soon – we would like to have them by the first of October so we can get the invitation finalized. – Watch for a message regarding this.

We are still looking for prior Spring Fling tee shirts for a special project for the 2015 Silent Auction.  If you have any you would like to donate please let us know.  We need several years – I will find the list and sent that out again.

We will also be looking for some volunteers to help out with the various stations – a sign up sheet will be out as the date gets closer.  Please consider asking a high school or other youth groups that your children may be involved with that need volunteer hours.  We can use several to help out with the parking and helping people get their stuff in and set up.  Final clean up help is essential too.

I believe we are going to do the pre-registration again this year.  Working on some fun things for those that pre register so watch for the notice that we have started taking registrations.

I think I have given you plenty to digest for now.  Watch your in-boxes for additional notices.  Facebook & the new website will also be updated. 

Pat Conrad
Allies for Greyhounds

Scenes from Spring Fling 2014