Gender: Male
Color: Light Brindle
Birthday: March 12, 2016
Sire: PG Tiger
Dam: Mega Mitey Mite
Cats: Not Cat Safe
Sponsor: Sponsorship available
Mac retired with just 37 races to his credit. He is new to AFG, so we are still learning about him. Could Mac be the hound for you??
It’s taken a bit for Mac to show more of his personality.. In the beginning he wasn’t exactly a big ball of excitement, but he is quite the handsome fellow. Mac is great for somebody that wants a dog that does dog things from time to time, but for the most part seems like he should be lounging around in a smoking jacket sipping a martini. He has this sophisticated sense about him. Until you hear him pass gas from across the room and realize that nope, this is still a dog.
Mac will probably do well in nearly any environment. He loves to play with his toys, but otherwise he’s content to find a spot to lay and not do much else. He will be happy to be by your side and check new things out, but won’t pitch a fit if he hangs behind either. While a lot of our other fosters have had some big personalities the fact that Mac is more level headed isn’t a bad thing. He’s so easy going that it hasn’t even seemed like work having him as a foster. Mac has blended into our pack without any fuss at all. Whether it’s a big family or a single person Mac will fit right in.