Gender: Male
Color: White
Birthday: May 4, 2012
Sire: Kiowa Myth
Dam: Hallo Chit Chat
Cats: Safe
Sponsor: Pat & Roland Graver :Seniors are the best!
Nicky has recently come back to AFG through no fault his own. This older distinguished gentleman is looking for a new home to put his dog bed. Nicky currently does prefer a fenced in yard as he likes some privacy while doing his business.
Nick is a very affectionate, loving hound. He will come over and put his face on your lap, asking for pets behind the ears for hours. While he is older, he has spunk, and plays more with toys than most of our hounds. He loves to throw them in the air and tackle them. He also loves to play with the other dogs, chasing them around the yard.
Outside of his playful side, Nicky is pretty laidback and goes with the flow. He is a little apprehensive of new situations, but gets over it quickly. He may take a little longer to open up to you, but will love to see you when he gets used to you. When you get home, he is the first to come to the door and greet you with a tail wag. Other than that, he spends the day sleeping, getting attention, and giving you puppy dog eyes to get more attention.
Nick is great with other dogs and is wonderful with our cats. He is incredibly well-behaved and is the first to go into his kennel when its time for bed. He is an overall great dog who loves affection and dreams of a future home full of hugs.
Wild West Nicky Foster Profile