Gender: Male
Color: Red & White
Birthday: 03/28/2012
Sire: Kiowa Myth
Dam: Kay Rodeo Girl
Cats: Safe
Sponsor: Sponsorship available
Knox is an amazing dog but is looking for a patient family to give him time to reach his full potential! If your looking for a attention obessesed Velcro hound then Knox is not for you. He is really good about just asking for attention when he wants it but is not pushy about it at all. He loves running in the yard and would love to have another dog that will do some zoomies with him! If he could find a home with a nice big backyard for him to ZOOM in he would just love it!! He loves playing with stuffy toys and has made his own game. He loves having you throw the toys in the air for him to catch and then he just takes off into another room with it! Then he’s quickly back for round 2! Knox tends to have an insecure personality at first so he would do best in a home with another confident our outgoing dog to help him with that. He also absolutely hates slippery floors! I only have one room in my house that he has to bother with them and as long as his rugs are there he makes it across ok. If his rugs are gone then he won’t budge! Knox really is an amazing dog and is just looking for someone to give him a chance and love his quirky personality just the way it is! Could you be the perfect home for Knox!?!