Lester Hayes

In Foster Home No Children
Pet Name: Milton
Gender: Male
Color: Black
Birthday: December 11, 2016
Sire: Djays Octane
Dam: Oakland Medusa
Cats: Safe
Sponsor: Sponsorship available

Milton retired to AFG after 38 races!  He was recently returned to AFG and is looking for a new home. He’s a new retiree we are still learning about.  Could Milton be the hound for you??

Milton is the biggest love bug you’ll ever meet! He’s a tall dude which works to his advantage because he’s just so easy to lean down and give kisses or hugs to! He’ll gladly stand by you and lean on you for as long as he can while you pet him and give him attention. Then he also is happy to find himself a nice soft bed to relax on and sleep the day away.
He gets excited when it’s dinner time or when it’s walking time, which are some of his favorite times of the day, and shows it by bouncing around and sometimes nibbling at hands or arms. His excitement can get the better of him at times, making him bump into people or things, but with gentle correction, he’s learning to temper himself.
Milton isn’t all big blustery boy, he has a sensitive side to him too! He can be hesitant to meet new people but if allowed to approach on his own time he often warms up (especially if there are treats involved).
He currently lives with two other Greyhounds and two cats in his foster home and gets along with all of them really well. He has also been a single dog before and did fine with that too. Mostly this mama’s boy just wants to be with his people <3

Watch Milton Race

Lester Hayes Foster Profile-UPDATED


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