Guru’s Choice

In Foster Home No Cats No Small Dogs
Pet Name: Norman
Gender: Male
Color: Blue
Birthday: May 7, 2021
Cats: Not Cat Safe
Sponsor: Sponsorship available

This blue boy is affectionate and cuddly. He came to us all the way from New Zealand without any races. 

This handsome boy is truly a stunner, and gets a lot of attention wherever he goes. But he doesn’t let his good looks go to his head. Well, not much anyway. He’s always eager to greet people. His goal is to make sure no one feels unloved.

Norman is an easy going guy. He is very quiet and only barks or whines when he really needs something (go out for a potty break, for example). He’s comfortable in his crate, calm and very affectionate; always wanting to be with his people and letting you know he cares. While he’s always excited to greet people, he especially loves children. He was uncomfortable with stairs at first but now he’s a pro and runs up and down with no hesitation. He loves going on walks and has learned not to pull on the leash. Squirrels, bunnies and cats are especially exciting to encounter, but he usually maintains his cool while on leash although he will lurch at them if they are close. After a walk he’s happy to just rest his head in your lap for a while and then take a long nap. He’s truly a delight to have around.

Gurus Choice Foster Profile