Atascocita Rodny

In Foster Home
Pet Name: Rodny
Gender: Male
Color: Red Fawn
Birthday: September 29, 2016
Sire: Atascocita Gray
Dam: Atascocita Tisoy
Cats: Safe
Sponsor: In Loving Memory of Claire, Scarlett and Guillain

Rodny has recently been returned to AFG.  Rodny conforms to the personalities of the other dogs in his home so would do best cohabiting with dogs who are fun yet chill! He also has the cutest overbite!  Rodny just retired to AFG after 15 races. He’s a new retiree we are still learning about. Could Rodny be the hound for you? 

Rodny is quite the character!!! If your looking for a hound to make you laugh everyday then he’s your man! He’s got the classic “big dummy” personality and sometimes just does dumb thing like running his noggin into the door jam haha! He loves playing with all his giant stuffies but once he’s done with that he’s all about the chill lifestyle. He’s one of the best snugglers I’ve had in my house and he just melts into you! He was briefly in another home with another dog that had an extremely anxious personality and Rodny fed off that and became very anxious himself. Now that he’s back here with my chill greyhound he’s followed his lead and is having no issues. Therefore he’d do best in a home with chill dogs who’s lead he can follow. Unfortunately I don’t really know if he would be ok as an only dog or not as he hasn’t been put in that situation yet. Rodny would be an excellent addition to a home with children of any age as he love all people and kids of all sizes! If you’re looking for a great snuggle buddy that will make you laugh regularly then look no further than Rodny!!

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Atascocita Rodny Foster Profile

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